What Happened in all the Star War Movies?
Check these Star Wars Plot Summaries!
Star Wars Episode 7 – The Force Awakens
Star Wars Episode 7 – The Force Awakens is set to be one of the largest theatrical releases of the year, and possibly beat Avatar as the highest grossing film of all time. The official trailer for the movie have already reached over 71.5 million views on Youtube alone. The Force Awakens has already broke the highest presale tickets for IMAX, crashing ticket websites for early tickets sales. You can take a gander at the Star Wars Episode 7 – The Force Awakens trailer below:
The film is set to be released Dec 18th (some theaters showing it late Dec 17th), and will feature some of the old cast (Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill all confirmed), as well a host of new cast members. J. J. Abrahams will be directing. He is the same man behind Lost, the Star Trek reboots and several of the Mission Impossible films.
Check out Movie Spoiler Alerts
With this being the 7th film in the series, a useful youtube channel I have found is Movie Spoiler Alerts. They have done 5 minute summaries of all the previous Star Wars Films (and other movies). Very useful as a quick refresher, or to catch up on the series if you’re going to see the new Star Wars, but haven’t seen the earlier films. (Full Disclosure: the vlogger is my son.)
These summaries are just get to the key plot points, introduce the important characters, and give you everything you need to know in under 5 minutes. So instead of rewatching all six 2-hour long films you can watch these short Youtube videos and get all the info you need to join in on the Star Wars madness Dec 18th. I’ll link the clips for the first 6 episodes below, and may the force be with you!
Movie Spoiler Alerts – Star Wars Ep 1 – The Phantom Menace (1999)
Movie Spoiler Alerts – Star Wars Ep 2 – The Clone Wars (2002)
Movie Spoiler Alerts – Star Wars Ep 3 – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Movie Spoiler Alerts – Star Wars Ep 4 – A New Hope (1977)
Movie Spoiler Alerts – Star Wars Ep 5 – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Movie Spoiler Alerts – Star Wars Ep 6 – Return of the Jedi (1983)
If you enjoyed Video Star Wars Plot Summaries, check out Movie Spoiler Alerts for other 5 minute movie summaries.
Star Wars is still huge with new episodes all the time. Can you believe how well the whole franchise has done? I’m so glad that it has stayed popular for my kids and now my grandkids. Today is May the Fourth Be with You!
I love watching my star wars movies, I have seen I believe most of them.
I enjoyed the Star Wars films, I never saw 3. They were interesting to see to, but some were some unanswered questions. This sound so interesting. Thanks for sharing with us.
Our Family is a devoted Star Wars Family. We never missed a movie since when our children were young! I am so glad they are coming out with some more Star War movies. We are excited to see them.
I wouldn’t mind watching the plot summaries for the original 3 Star Wars movies. I hated the next three – they were awful.
Looking good very nice
I really liked watching these before I saw the most recent one. Been too long since I’d seen them.
Thanks for the refresher – I still need to see the newest release.
Refresher course! Never hurts to catch up enjoy the past episodes!
Cute Dolls! Great Movie!!!
I love the refreshers on the Star War story lines.
We are looking forward to seeing it!
Those dolls are so cute!!! I have to admit I have never watched a Star Wars all the way through but my sister and her family love them! 🙂