South Beach Diet Cookbooks
I love these low carb cookbooks!
This is one diet series that has survived! Why? Because it works!
In 1995, Dr. Agatston created his balanced approach to healthy eating to help his patients improve their blood chemistries and lose weight. His eating plan worked so well that a Miami TV station asked if it could offer the diet to its viewers. Hundreds of South Floridians went on the diet and lost weight three years running, and its popularity eventually led to the publication of Dr. Agatston’s internationally bestselling book–his first nonacademic work–The South Beach Diet, in 2003. Today, the South Beach Diet is the trusted choice of millions seeking a total solution for losing weight, reversing metabolic syndrome, and gaining health. There are more than 23 million copies of The South Beach Diet and its companion books in print worldwide.
The Chief Blonde Remarks: Every wonder what the best diet books are? The South Beach Diet is the only diet I have ever tried in book form that really works. I love how healthy it is. Low carb eating is shockingly good for you and easier than you might think. The first 4 days are hard, after that you will start to really feel great.
Here is a synopsis of the various books that I recommend from the series of eleven. If you haven’t ever tried low carb, the South Beach Diet is the place to start.
The South Beach Diet lifestyle program has grown to include Web-based materials and a family of healthy and convenient foods, including delicious and nutritionally balanced bars and snacks.
, ($16.20) the book that started it all. If you are going to read one book from Arthur Agatston M.D. it should be this book. He explains his foolproof plan and many great recipes are included.
The ($24.86) has more recipes to amplify the first book. It’s not “diet” food–it’s satisfying, flavorful dishes that are good for your health and your waistline.
($4.29) Yeah Yeah, a diet or a lifestyle change is all well and good until a party comes along. Then what? As the more than 20 menus and 150 easy, all-new recipes in this cookbook prove, there’s no need to give up favorite holiday and party dishes to stay on the South Beach Diet.
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Wish I could stick to some diet or another. My self discipline is just sad. haha
Love to have this book
Interesting. Never heard of it but it sounds effective.