Beatles Stories DVD Review Beatles Stories DVD Review of a a Fab Four Fan’s Ultimate Road Trip $19.99 The Chief Blonde Remarks: My daughter and I watched this DVD together from start to end. FASCINATING. I was 3 when the Beatles debuted on the Ed Sullivan so obviously I wasn’t old enough to appreciate in […]
Canyon Ranch: Yoga for Strength and Energy Review
Canyon Ranch releases Yoga for Strength and Energy Canyon Ranch Yoga for Strength and Energy ($16.99) The Chief Blonde Remarks: WOur giveaway is the second fitness DVD from the award-winning resort and wellness brand, Canyon Ranch: Yoga for Strength & Energy which debuts on DVD from Acacia on November 20, 2012, featuring two 20-minute yoga workouts to improve your flexibility, lengthen your […]
Current Movies Featuring Women over 45 (and Men too!) August 2012 Edition!
Women over 45 featured in Movies Movies Featuring Women over 45? Is that Possible? Want to watch a Movie that Features a few people that are your age? We are starting a new feature which highlights Movies where Women over 45 star, co-star or have a large cameo role (and sometimes Men) . Unless noted, […]
Colin Firth, Stuttering, and The King’s Speech
Stuttering King’s Speech Therapy Gets the Royal Treatment Stuttering King’s Speech highlights a Communication Disorder With the November 26 nationwide release of the new film, The King’s Speech, starring Colin Firth (THE BEST ACTOR!) and Geoffrey Rush, it is most timely to highlight the plight of those who stutter and the resources that are available to […]
Women 45 and Over: I NEED 1 more Present!! Holiday Gift Guide Hits U.S. Customers Below the Belt… Trusted Sockscription Site Launches Underwear Line Swiss company Blacksocks known for the innovative “sockscription” service that delivers socks to your door year round, is going down under. Top quality boxers, briefs and boxer briefs, sold as a two-pair trial pack (starting at $24), an annual subscription (starting at […]