This just in from Google Late Last Month, Let the Celebration Continue!
Google states directly in their Official Blog, that they feel “it is important for high-quality sites to be rewarded, and that’s exactly what this change does” Further…
Many of the changes we make are so subtle that very few people notice them. But in the last day or so we launched a pretty big algorithmic improvement to our ranking—a change that noticeably impacts 11.8% of our queries—and we wanted to let people know what’s going on. This update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites—sites which are low-value add for users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful. At the same time, it will provide better rankings for high-quality sites—sites with original content and information such as research, in-depth reports, thoughtful analysis and so on.
So what does that mean to Bloggers? Especially Niche bloggers, fashion bloggers, mom bloggers, review bloggers, etc? Our blogs just got a lot more desirable to Marketing Departments, PR firms, and Big Business. All those spammy links that you get and people who steal and copy your articles, and sites like Squiddo, HubPages, Ezine Articles, GoArticles are moving into Google Smack Down Mode. High Quality Content is NOW King according to Google’s new alogrithm.
So get out there and create high quality content that incorporates your key words and embraces your markets. You just might find yourself with a higher Google placement in their search engine at least and maybe…a higher Google Page Rank. Whoppee! Women over 45, Fashionistas, Giveaway Queens have never had it so good!
Mark Thompson over at Stay on Search has this to say about the new Google Algorithm :
Personally from reading the official Google algorithm update release and monitoring a number of my blogs, I think that Google really has shifted their algorithm to reward the websites that are making an effort to providing unique, valuable content on a REGULAR basis.
MaAnna Stephenson, author of Blogaid, a blog that helps you make your blog better has this to say on the topic:
Article marketing lends itself well to evergreen content and I’d hate to see it disappear entirely. But, I also like the idea of Google clearing out the SEO cheaters and forcing article directories to only allow good content on their site.
The Chief Blonde says, It’s about time. I predict that the power of the Blogger has just begun!
I hope someday that my Google Page Rank will come back. I had a 3 for years and then 0.
Stumbling you back! Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry, part of my post got deleted. I wanted to say; YAY!!! I can’t wait to see what this will do for us bloggers! Thanks for sharing!
I am stumbling you back! Thanks for checking out my blog! Great article thanks for sharing!
Oh, and I stumbled you back! 🙂
That IS super good news!! I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the competition out there that is designed to just drive traffic in a certain direction….hopefully this will make a difference. Do we have any idea of how they will actually do this, though??
Becca, It is my belief that Blogs will become like mini-magazines. High Quality targeted blogs will become a place where companies will start to put their money. Maybe I am kidding myself but I saw this Google change coming so I am hoping the rest will fall into place as well. It just figures…
The Chief Blonde
Just stumbled ya! This is a great post!
Oh Thanks Robin. Glad you Joined the stumbling group!
The Chief Blonde!
How interesting! Thanks for visiting my blog & stumbling! I stumbled you too! 🙂
Thanks Erika. Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the info! Also, thanks for visiting me…I stumbled you, too!
My Pleasure Lori, Thanks for coming throught!
The Chief Blonde!
Thanks for the info!! I love reading your posts. It makes things easier for newbies.
Thank you for stumbling my post. I stumbled back
Dear Olfa,
Glad to help out!
The Chief Blonde!
Great post! I read more blogger’s articles than do I read books. Why? Because I love non-fiction and encounters with real life authors:). Thanks for dropping by Olah Momma!
Always a good thing to see high quality, original content rewarded!
Stumbled you! My post is at
Hi Lori,
I will stumble you back later this week. Thanks for the positive comment!
The Chief Blonde!
Woohoo. That’s friggin’ fantstic news! Thanks for posting it!
I stumbled your post. Here’s a link to mine:
I Know Deanna–RIght?
I will stumble you later this week!
The Chief Blonde
Happy stumble day
Hi Sara,
I will be by to stumble you later this week! Thanks.
The Chief Blonde!
I know one of my blogging buddies will be thrilled with this news.
Nice post. I found you from Kelly’s Lucky You.
Consider yourself stumbled!
Great post with tons of helpful information. Thank you!!! As always, I love your site!
I’ve stumbled you and would love it if you could stumble me back at
Thanks ~
Reading with Joey
I’ll be by to stumble later this week.
Great post! Love how much info you provide on your site – I always learn something new 🙂
I’ve Stumbled your post, mine is at
Thanks Angela, When I learn, you learn.
I will be by to stumble you later this week!
The CHief Blonde!
Thanks for hosting. I just stumbled your post. Please stumble my post Leaving Japan With Your Pets the facts and resources
I’ll be by later this wekk Felissa!
The Chief BLonde
Thanks for the info!
I stumbled your post. Here is mine:
Hi Jill,
You are welcome. I’ll be by later this week to stumble you!
The Chief Blonde!
Thank goodness! Cheese and crackers! I hope this helps me! (anything has to, right?) Thanks for sharing this info!
Stumbled ya! My post is:
Kristin 🙂
Did you benefit from the last Google PageRank update? I am hoping this helps me again!
The Chief Blonde
No! I was really surprised (and disappointed)…not a change at all. And, I’ve checked again today, and still nothing. I don’t understand it, but I’m hanging in there!!
Thanks for quoting me in your post. Agreed that blogs with stellar content will begin rising in the rankings and be found by the wider audiences they deserve.