Decoding Annie Parker Trailer
Make sure to view this important movie trailer focusing on Metastatic Breast Cancer
Decoding Annie Parker is a feature film based on the real lives of two remarkable women. It is the story of Anne Parker, played by Samantha Morton, a sharp witted, funny and irrepressible young woman who watches her mother, then sister, fall victim to breast cancer. When later, she herself is diagnosed with the disease she believes that her cancer must be hereditary in nature. She is resolved to fight back against immeasurable odds. The film is also the story of Dr. Mary-Claire King, played by Helen Hunt, the Berkeley based geneticist whose discovery of the BRCA1 gene and its link to hereditary breast cancer forever changed the understanding of the disease. Hers is considered one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 20th century. SOURCE The Theresa Harpole Foundation for Metastatic Breast Cancer Web Site:
The Chief Blonde remarks: This move stars Helen Hunt, a blonde woman over 45 (love her acting) with a very important bit of history and a even more important message. I can’t wait to see this movie. I usually don’t like tear jerkers but this one seems like the message is too important to miss.
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