What is the difference between KN95 Masks and Cloth Masks ? In this post, I will be explain the superiority of KN95 masks to cloth. After reading this article, it is my hope you will understand that wearing a KN95 may mean sacrificing a bit of style…but what you get in return is the confidence that you’re doing your part in helping protect yourself and others while using a KN95 mask. Also, make sure to visit for all your KN95 needs and then enter to win one of (5) KN95 10 pack masks bundles.
Today’s discussion, What is the difference between KN95 Masks and Cloth Masks, is brought to you by Clean Med Supply and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. Also, please no negativity. If you don’t support mask wearing, just scroll on by.
What is a KN95 Mask?
A good place to start is to explain what a KN95 mask is. Medical-grade Clean Med Supply KN95 filter masks reduce risk of infection via high-percentage particle filtration. Each mask is lab-tested and certified from Clean Med Supply’s CDC-supported overseas manufacturers. Filters 95.99% of bacteria, dust, chemicals, particles, pollen, and smoke.
KN95 masks are rated to capture 95% of tiny particles (0.3 micron particles). For reference, a human hair is 70 microns in diameter while bacteria and viruses are between 0.2 microns and 3.0 microns in size.
What is the difference between KN95 Masks and Cloth Masks?
- While they may not be as fashionable as the seemingly endless styles of cloth masks, KN95 masks are vastly safer and are considered to be among the most protective masks available by the CDC and FDA.
- Unlike cloth and bandana masks, KN95s are NOISH and FDA cleared due to their Tri-layer Protection. Individual Hydrophilic, Filtering, and Hydrophobic layers offer superior protection that normal cloth masks can’t contend with.
- KN95 masks are certified to block 95% of particles and unlike cloth masks, water/droplets cannot
pass through them. - KN95 masks are disposable but can safely be reused several times.
○ Cloth masks need to be washed every day (and most people unfortunately don’t do that),
so the limited protection they offer can actually get worse over time.
About Clean Med Supply KN95 Masks:
In facing a global pandemic, Clean Med Supply knows that wearing facial covering is critical in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus. After learning that typical cloth masks were significantly less effective in protecting the wearer and those around them, Clean Med Supply was established to provide the public with top-quality protection in KN95 masks.
Clean Med Supply is an American company with connections to global manufacturers and
distributors. They have streamlined their fulfillment centers to provide rapid service so their
products can reach their customers intact and on time.
Watch this informative video to better understand what is the difference between KN95 Masks and Cloth Masks.
Prepare a Car Kit to keep you and yours protected
What I keep in my car kit:
- Clean Med Supply KN95 mask (2)
- Anti-bacterial Hand Sanitizer wipes and gel
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Gloves (Nitrile Diposable)
- Mask extender (so I can hook mask in back of my head instead of over my ears)
Buy IT!
Buy KN95 masks at

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I like the extra protection of your maskS!
I like that your mask keep out 95% of particles
I am surprised that they capture 95% of tiny particles. I would love to have these to protect my family when they go out . I am high risk so I stay home and I worry about them going out
I really like the fact that there is a lot of room inside the KN95 masks and there would be less sweat and fogging issues. I tend to get very hot and sweaty wearing my 3 layer cloth masks and it is probably caused by being very close to my mouth.
I love that they block 95% and are FDA cleared!
My first job after college was working in a lab. N95 masks were mandatory I and was well trained on their use. So what surprised me was the mask extender. Did not read how an extender would be used while maintaining mask seals.
Right away, I liked that they catch tiny particles. What really isn’t to like about it?! This will keep my husband safe and my son safe at work and myself safe at Physical Therapy and Dr appointments. We already try out best to be safe and sanitize and wear makes we do not feel comfortable in. I was told by my primary Dr to stay put and ride this out in early March. I didn’t leave my home until mid September to start physical therapy that had to be put off from a brain, neck, shoulder and back injury I had in Nov 2019. These type of masks would help me feel a little more safe while I am out. Thank you for the chance.
I like the N95 because it filters 95% of particles. This fact makes me feel so much better.
I was surprised that cloth masks really don’t offer as much protection as I would like to have, especially now that the virus is surging yet again. I do like the filtration of these masks and the fact that 95% of particles are kept out.
I one hundred percent support mask wearing, anytime while in public spaces – both indoors and outdoors. I am happy to have learned that KN95 masks are tested to filter 95% of particles from the wearer. That makes me feel safer, that I am protecting myself.
These masks are so efficient that they can stop the spread in both directions.
offer medical-grade filtering and protection, glad to hear
I liked the mask wearing tips, especially the tip about clamping the mask tight to the bridge of your nose to prevent your glasses from fogging up. This is a tip I will use because it can be frustrating with foggy glasses!
I like that the ergonomic and lightweight design supports easier breathing.
I like how much they filter
Being the happy age of 73, I’ve learned the N95 mask should be used as much as I use my right hand which means to take it everywhere I go and keep it on!
I like that these masks are certified. It is important.
The multi layer protection is great
KN95s are NOISH and FDA approved. Nice to know this.
My favorite part is the blocking of 95 percent of particles